Black Belt Club - Taekwondo Program
The “Black Belt Club” or BBC is a membership level for when you have decided that earning Black Belt is your goal.
Whether this happens after 3, 6, 12 months or at Gold Belt, Green Belt…… does not matter. We have options that will help take you to your projected Black Belt graduation date or beyond.
What parents say
“This is an honorable day for my family to see Michael receive his Black Belt. It’s been a big, long climb for Michael to reach his goal! We know that our son has been tested by all of you of his character, the challenge and the hard work he has done! We thank you for your words of encouragement, support and the good training skills that you have provided! We wish that Michael will continue to receive support from all of you so that he will improve his personality and his Taekwondo skills.”
“John and I want to thank you and all of the staff at for all you did to make the black belt test for Amanda as special as it was on Saturday. Additionally, we want to thank you and recognize that she was able to test for her black belt due to the encouragement, instruction, and investment that you all put into her as a student. Thank you for believing in her and being the great instructor that you have been to help her to this level. We are so grateful for all that everyone has done and will continue to do to encourage Amanda with her on-going martial arts training. Amanda has been fortunate to have such wonderful teachers and role models.“ Gratefully, John & Deb Becker

Dedication and time
Just as with anything else in life, the more you do it, the better you become. Being a BBC member allows you to train extra times per week. If you train 2 times per week (without missing any classes) after 1 year you will have taken 104 classes, with 3 classes per week you will have taken 156 classes (52 extra classes or at 2 classes per week, 6 months of extra training), think about how much farther ahead you’ll be and how much easier things will be.
As well, you also have the option of participating in our specialty class (Black Belt Training). This class will help you develop even more skill on top of what you are already getting in your weekly classes. With graduation fees included and all the extra classes, it is a great value. For all we offer you we ask that you make the commitment to attend throughout no matter what.
Exclusive and elite
You will see the quote “THIS IS A BLACK BELT SCHOOL” posted in the dojang. What this means is that we train students to be Black Belts here. We don’t train students to be Green, Blue, Red Belts, those belts are fine--that is not our goal. When a student attends an academic school they are attending with the intention of graduating. We are a school too, and after a certain point of “trying it out” we want you to make the decision to train for Black Belt--and nothing less.
The instructors' goal is to help each and every student achieve this level of success and each class students are helped take another step forward.
Benefits of Being a Black Belt Club Member
You are able to attend extra classes per week (but are not required to come the extra time)
You get 1 specialty class (Black Belt Training) at no extra charge (to help you reach your full potential as a martial artist)
The more times you attend class per week, the better you’ll be (see above)
No graduation fees (for color belts) and 75% off Black Belt Test
Special Black Belt Club Uniform (Black Uniform)
Other Discounts on Camps/Events