Taewkondo Traditions & Etiquette
When you bow, it signifies not only respect for your instructors and classmates, but respect for yourself, the art and life in general. It is a universally understand gesture that signifies respect and appreciation.
Bowing normally takes place at the beginning and end of practice sessions, from the edge of the mat or practice area towards the flags and when greeting/ addressing an instructor. Generally it is customary that the junior bows first to the senior. You should always bow to your instructor regardless of where you are at (supermarket, mall, etc).

Bowing should be performed with the heels together, hands open at your side with fingers together (or closed in a fist) and shoulders pulled back bowing from the waist. (see photo below)

Inside the Dojang
Shaking hands is often done with an open hand placed under the other, this originated to show that there was no weapon being held.
Shoes should not be worn on the mat unless given permission or wearing martial art shoes
The following is prohibited in the dojang:
loud laughter
bad language
Students should always be aware of what they need for class and carry their own equipment
Kiop (focused energy) or yell loud while practicing strikes unless told not to. Always yell with control, do not scream or just say “hi yah”
Always respond with "Yes, Sir" or "Yes, Maam" when asked to do something unless told otherwise
Never sit or lie down unless directed.
Always try to be on time for class. Punctuality is a good habit. If you do arrive late for class, please perform 10 pushups and then join the class without interrupting.
During class, always perform the number of repetitions given or keep practicing until told to stop if no number was given.
Never modify practice unless directed
Always help clean the dojang if asked
Meditation is used for concentration, visualization, focusing and preparing the mind and body for class. Proper breathing (deeply in through the nose and then an equal breath out through the mouth.
Proper posture should be maintained keeping the body in a line (shoulders back, head up)
There are two ways to sit inside the Dojang. Legs crossed or kneeling (see photos)

Before class
Before class (please try not to come more than 15 minutes early or 5 minutes late) make sure to check in (scan your card- shown right) and if the previous class is still going on, please quietly wait in the lobby.
Once the previous class is dismissed, students may stretch, practice forms/basics, or use a punching bag. Students should refrain from running around, making contact with each other of any kind, roughhousing, tumbling, playing with equipment or any other unsafe behavior.

During class
Students should line up in belt order with the highest belt starting closest to the flag by the belts, then going across before a new row is started. Tips do not have any bearing on rank and shorter students should be allowed to line up in front of those of the same rank.
Try and use Korean terminology when possible.
Always address your Instructors as sir or maam, never interrupt them while they are talking, give them your full attention (you are here to learn from them), remain motionless while receiving instruction; do not make demands from them.
Try and take water and bathroom breaks before and after class as disrupts the class and causes the student to miss out on something important which may affect their partner.
Always train at the highest possible level to achieve your potential, motivate your classmates and to show respect to the instructor.
Always maintain a positive outlook, and act as you think a Black Belt would. Try to remember what is taught to you so that each class can build on the last instead of the instructor repeating what has already been shown.
Your sparring partner is not your enemy. Your partner is your best helper. For better technique and manner, always cooperate with each other and show respect.
After Class students may practice on their own for a few minutes with the same guidelines as before class. Tip checks may also be attempted after class.
Higher Belt Students should always set a good example for and show respect to lower belts
Lower belts should show respect and follow the good example of higher belts
Always attend the appropriate classes, beginners are not ready for intermediate classes and high belts will not progress training with lower belts. Missing class is generally the start of most all problems encountered in Martial Arts
Extra practice outside of the dojang is encouraged if the conditions are correct. Children should ask their parents’ permission before practicing. Some great things to work on at home are forms, kicking, hand techniques stretches and exercises or just work out with some training equipment like a punching bag.
Students should get their instructors permissions before competing in any non school sanctioned tournaments or demonstrations.
Outside of the dojang you should carry yourself with confidence and humbleness. Martial Artists should always set an example for others with their courtesy, integrity, and positive thinking whether at work, school, church, the mall, etc.
Students should not attempt to teach friends or family members martial arts.
Training with Friends and Family is encouraged however they should be taught by a professional instructor. You will enjoy class even more when you can share it with those who are special to you. Never hesitate to invite others to watch or join in class although students under 18 will need parental signatures before they can participate.