Dress for Success
Official Andrew Gause's Martial Arts T-shirts may be worn during class in place of the normal uniform top during designated months. However, full uniforms should still be worn to testing and tournaments. T-shirts should be clean and tucked into the pants. T-Shirts are a wonderful way to show your pride in your dojang while at school, work, the gym, etc. Please remember to behave as an ambassador of the school while wearing it.
The Uniform (Doh Bohk)
The Uniform should always be clean for class and testing. The uniform is white and symbolizes purity and equality. The current “V”neck is white for students below black belt, and black trim for black belts.
Korean and American Flags may be sewn onto the right and left shoulders. Other patches may be affixed but need to be approved by your instructor.
Nails should be short and clean to prevent scrapes/cuts and infections.
Bathe and brush your teeth regularly to keep yourself healthy and out of respect for your classmates
Refrain from wearing jewelry during training to prevent injury and minimize noise.
Pads and gear
Sparring pads should be put on as quickly as possible in class and not taken off until told to by the instructor. Pads should be periodically cleaned depending on their “odor”. Leg pads should be put on first and hand/arm guards last. Keep an extra mouth guard in your bag, just in case you misplace yours.
How to Tie a Belt